The application linked above must be completed by all graduate students in the semester they plan to graduate. The deadlines are as follow: September 15 for December degree conferral, December 2 for Winter degree conferral, February 15 for May degree conferral, and May 15 for August degree conferral. Upon completion of this form, with all the required signatures, the original must go to the Office of Graduate & Professional Education (234 Hullihen Hall).
Change of Classification Form for Graduate Students
Any student that would like to change from the doctoral program to the MA program in the Department or would like to officially change their PhD concentration must complete the form linked above. Upon completion of this form, with all the required signatures, the student must submit a copy of the form to the Director of Graduate Studies and the original must go to the Office of Graduate & Professional Education (234 Hullihen Hall).
Request for Transfer of Graduate Credit
Prior to the completion of the form linked above the student must be in contact with the Department’s Director of Graduate Studies about the possibility that a course could transfer to UD. A copy of the course’s syllabus must be provided in order to be considered. If the Director of Graduate Studies agrees to the transfer the student must complete the above-attached form, acquire the necessary signatures, give a copy to the Director of Graduate Studies, and the original must go to the Office of Graduate & Professional Education (234 Hullihen Hall).
Course Substitution Request Form for Graduate Degree Programs
This form is for any graduate student that would like to use a course not offered by the Department or not currently on the list of accepted courses for one of the degree requirements (Research Competency Courses, Concentration Courses) to fulfill a degree requirement. Before this form can be completed the course must be vetted by the student’s Academic Adviser and the Department’s Director of Graduate Studies. Once this course is approved the form linked above must be completed (with required signatures), a copy given to the Director of Graduate Studies, and the original must go to the Office of Graduate & Professional Education (234 Hullihen Hall).
Thesis and Dissertation Manual
This manual lays out the guidelines of the Office of Graduate and Professional Education as to how an MA thesis or a Doctoral Dissertation must be formatted and written.
Request to Change Dissertation Committee
If at any point a PhD student would like to change the members of their dissertation committee they must complete the form linked above. Upon completion of this form, with all the required signatures, the student must submit a copy of the form to the Department’s Director of Graduate Studies and the original must go to the Office of Graduate & Professional Education (234 Hullihen Hall).
At least two weeks prior to the oral defense of the dissertation the PhD student must complete the online form linked above. This will place their dissertation defense onto the campus-wide dissertation defense schedule.
Certification of Doctoral Dissertation Defense
Students must bring the form linked above to the oral defense of their dissertation. The committee chair and members must sign this form once the student’s oral defense is assessed, indicating if in their opinion the student passed or failed. Upon completion of the oral defense the student must submit a copy of the form to the Department’s Director of Graduate Studies and the original must go to the Office of Graduate & Professional Education (234 Hullihen Hall).